Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oral History...A lost art of sharing birth confidence.

Once upon a time there was a woman and she was going to have a baby, and she was glad.

She had knowledge. Her knowledge came from a life time of experiencing birth. The first time she saw a baby born was when her little brother came into the world. It was also the first time she experienced death, as this wee child was soon gone and had never made it to the mother's breast. But she learned. She learned over the years that birth can take many turns and it is not always the glorious event it is deemed to be. As time passed she saw more sisters and brothers born and nieces and nephews and a few neighbors enter the world and she was there to witness. She wiped brows, she tore cloths, she ran for the midwives and some times she went for the doctor. But she was witness and now it was her time and she was aware. She saw the ups and the downs. She knew when the first pains came that "the women" would be there and she could turn to them. She knew them and she knew they had wisdom and they had kind hands. She just had to let happen what would happen and the support would be there to guide her. She would hope for the best.

Fast forward to now. Women have the option to inform themselves or not. They have the Internet to find information. Too bad there is a lot of bad information as there is good. They can post on question boards and get answers that are so wrong it makes any birth advocate cry and want to post the truth, all the while knowing the date of the birth is long past, hoping that the querant did not return to read the advice of someone who was so wrong in their information. and standing in horror that some other women may read such misinformed information and act on it. Many women birth without even having seen a birth (THANKFULLY we have Youtube! where the oral history has turned to visual history). The birth outcomes in today's culture are dependant on where you birth and your primary caregivers and not on your desires. Women leave the hospital with cuts that drive deep into their bodies and sometimes into their souls. Women leave feelings ranging from "who cares how the baby got out" to births that lead to PTSD. For many women, the American Way of Birth is go to hospital as soon as possible, get your epidural, get pit, and hope for the freaking best! If you choose to not expereince any intervention then you got a big fight ahead of you and labor is not the best time to advocate for your birth desires with people you have never met before. It really is just not a good thing....not unless you are me and can tune it all out and get on with birthing that baby.

So this all leads me to the oral history of birth. When I first began to post stories about breech birth my intensions were to help women understand the mind set and choices that lead women into the births they eventually experienced. Without hearing the good stories you can never know that birth can be amazing. We need to know how to get from point a to point B and we need to understadn what can interfer with a normal trajectory.

So here they are, the surviving stories from the Heads Up! site. I hope it helps.

Home Breech Births

Psalm and Zoya are born - "This was easier said than done. We interviewed several yet ... most of the midwives had fear about the birth of the second twin and I did not feel comfortable having that attitude around me during birth. We decided to simply go it alone."
Morgan's Birth - "if I wanted to go to the hospital...I would probably have a c-section since Morgan was breech. If I wanted to have the baby here at home, I would have to face the demons (you know, those of my own birth) and work for this baby."
Home Breech Birth of Baby Jeremy - After one really strong push I asked ‘is the head out?’ The midwife said ‘soon it will come’. Then I looked down and saw two tiny legs dangling – to my surprise my baby was breech!
Breech Birth on the Families for Natural Living website- "My husband and I had been apprehensive about having a home birth, but we felt we had no choice. "
James' Birth - "I don't think there was anything risky about it. In fact I believe that home is the safest place of birth for most babies."
Planned Breech at Home - a midwife's story about a mother's birth at home.
Samantha's Birth - "About three weeks before my due date we realized that the baby was breech and started trying to turn her...".

Hospital Breech Births
Blair Vaughan - baby Blair is born after all the right cards fall in this mom's favor. Un-medicated breech birth with an audience.
Mark's Birth - the birth of a 9 pound 8 ounce breech, a story with an edge. (Baby is transported to NICU)
Miss births her surprise breech - "No one could believe it. The doctor was walking on air for the two days I was there, and we were the talk of the hospital that week. I love sharing this story with people." If you want to chat with me about this or anything, feel free to e-mail me.
Delia births breech - "At 32 weeks, my midwife said she could feel the baby's butt deep down in my pelvis. I thought "Oh god, no!" ".

Courtney's birth - "I had been examined the midwife said I was 7cm dilated and that she felt something like peas. I went into panic mode. I kept repeating "that's my baby's toes, it's upside down". (gas, stirrups, and episiotomy mentioned)
Colin's Birth - "The dr. arrived and checked me. He looked shocked and angry. I wondered if I was still just 4 cms and they called him early. He announced that I was 10 cms and breech!" (membranes ruptured, pitocin, epidural, forceps mentioned)
Mitchell's Birth - I believe that God allowed me to find the only doctor in town that assisted breeches to be my doctor when I just happened to be carrying a breech baby. (Induction with pitocin, epidural, birth in OR).
Birth Story of Alessandra Jeanine -"everybody I told about this looked at me with incredulity because most people seem to think a C-section is automatic with breech babies." (epidural, urinary catheter, stirrups, forceps, second degree episiotomy, painful recovery)
Mark - "When I got to 38 weeks, she did a vaginal exam and told me she thought that the baby was presenting breech... a few days later I felt the baby turn again ... Then, I felt him turn again (!!), so he was once again vertex... now 40 weeks, he turned again (!!!). " (very interventive birth, baby to NICU).
Jim - "a beautiful 10 pound, 22 inch rounded head boy" is born breech"

VBAC Breech
VBAC Breech Birth- "My husband left me to get on his scrubs thinking he had plenty of time, because they would do a C-Section. At this point I told my doctor I had to push really bad. He said, "We're going to deliver this baby vaginally."

Twins With Breech
Psalm and Zoya are born - "This was easier said than done. We interviewed several yet ... most of the midwives had fear about the birth of the second twin and I did not feel comfortable having that attitude around me during birth. We decided to simply go it alone."
Birth Surprise in Jerusalem (twin breech birth) - "I had had no labor, no warning. I couldn't fight the urge to push, so I quickly put a towel on our bed, lay down on my side and simply let my body work."
Double Breech Twins - Their birth was really the fastest of all my labors, ..., I don't believe the birth would have been any "better" had I gone to a hospital.
Twins born (second is breech) - "I look at Cathy and say..."Nicki's coming breech" and I begin to push, long and hard and not stopping. I don't feel anything. " (this starts at the beginning of the whole story use the site links to get you to the birth story)

Losing the domain name for the site meant that a lot of stories I had on the server that were not links are not listed here. I will post them on the new Facebook group I'll be creating later today.

Thank you all for your support over the years. You are the ones that made Heads Up! all it is and give me the desire to carry on sharing after it was gone.

I tip my hat to you.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rant on Choice

(original essay was written in 1999)
The first intervention in birth, that a healthy woman takes, is when she walks out the front door of her home, in labour. From that first intervention, all others will follow".
Dr. Michael Rosenthal - Obstetrician
One of the hardest mental exercises I ever had to do was complete my practical rotation during my perinatal nursing. I had a few run ins with my instructor when it came to understanding that *we* as nurses must respect the woman's choice when it comes to her birth and breastfeeding experience, regardless of how we feel about the issues of routine interventions and lack of "real" education regarding those birth choices.

I've learned that women come to birth with a variety of objectives (cope as best is possible, hope for the best and leave with a healthy baby), how they meet these objectives is where the nurse comes in. The woman that is uneducated about birth, and dependant upon unknown persons to see her through her travail, is guided by policies set up in hospital to ensure that she and baby are kept as safe as possible. Most often the mother makes choices based on word of mouth education and has an imperfect understanding of obstetrical intervention and those that apply them. Knowledge of things like: narcotics do not kill the labor pain, or mothers must reach active labor before the epidural is given to ensure that labor has a chance to progress, a slowed labor will get pitocin/syntocinon to speed it up and so on is usually not discovered until the mother is well advanced in labor and admitted to the labor room.
I'll admit I graduated my preceptorship with the lowest mark I have ever had during my ten years of full and part-time nursing education (I am sure this was because the nurses marking me saw that I was a rebel and did not conform with the *ways* a nurse should be (made me want to puke some days)). Speaking up and voicing my concern for the status quo in the current maternal care system made me furious.
In the end I did see that my trying to educate was a bit more up front than some nurses could handle. I eventually kowtowed (really I did, *gag*) to my instructor and *saw the light* and *the error of my ways*!!! I decided on my last day that there was no way I could work in hospital if it meant supporting interventions practiced on women with a loose sense of informed consent. I have been told that there are many women that need someone like me to help them through labor and that I could help many by working in an L and D unit. Unfortunately I *choose* not to. This is not an easy choice. But personally it would be too difficult to know that the epidural queen is my client because I'm next on the list to receive a "patient", and the nurse that pushes epidurals rather than support the mother gets the mom wanting a normal birth. It would kill me by the end of the first week.

I recently spent an evening with a girl that was due in a couple of weeks. She was pretty easy going about the whole pregnancy/birth thing, until week 36 came along and those old hormones kicked in. She began to question exactly what was to happen (yeesh!!). Well I spent all of 3 hours with her educating her on the emotions of birth and what to look for, some of the things that would indicate a quick trip to the hospital and what hoops she was probably going to have to jump through to birth with no drugs (which was her wish). Well this little girl had her baby last Sunday. She headed to the hospital in such early labor (10pm) that they gave her a shot of morphine and sent her home to sleep. After her water broke (@ 2 am) she started to feel pushy, so off to the hospital they went. They luckily are placed into a birthing room (3 am) PDQ, and the nurse dons her glove. She assess the mom at 3.5 cms. HHHHHmmmmmmm you say??? pushy at 3.5 cms... posterior baby??? what could it be. Well this girl described the nurse as an old cow and slightly incompetent as to what she was doing. The nurse is "crabbing" at the girl to not push or you'll swell the cervix, blah blah blah... (these were the moms exact words.) the doc arrives about 15 minutes later and the mom tells him she feels pushy. Doc checks her to make sure...and guess what!!!! the mom is at 8-9 cms Now if the doc had not arrived and the mom was to continue in labor with this nurse what do you think would have happened? the mom was so uptight with this nurse she tightened up, now if the nurse were to stay in the room all the time to support this young girl that did not know enough to ask for another well do you think she would have dilated. I truly believe that this case was a perfect case of mom relaxing and dilation progressing swiftly. Once the doc had arrived and the mom felt comfortable and safe (yes safe), she let go and her true dilation showed through. I would have been scared for her if he had not shown up on the scene. As it went, she took another shot of Morphine when she was almost fully dilated, (I think if this mom had had a doula she would not have needed it). This gals only non-medical support was the father of the child who she had broken up with during the pregnancy). She only pushed for 1/2 hour until she began saying she wanted it over (her words), yup out comes the vacuum and baby born minutes later. Mom has a second degree laceration. Baby is dopey and having a hard time breathing because of the morphine, they want to give Narcan (morphine antidote) mom refuses because she doesn't know what it is!!!!!!!!

Okay I do have a point some where in here....let me find it...

Oh yeah...choice!!!!

Where were the choices during this birth? What was affecting them? Is it ethical to have a mom who is in the throes of a perfectly normal labor to make decisions that she may later regret. Do we stand by and say "you can do it, you are doing it you just have a bit more to go!!! Hang on there girl!!! Think of the baby!!!", or do apply the interventions and then we make sure that we have all the rescue measures on hand to counter-act the adverse affect the decisions have on the baby.

Do yourself a favor. trust yourself, trust your body. Don't take the chance of waiting and seeing if your birth is good, and then make different choices the next time. All births are as different as the child that is born. Place yourself in the company of familiar faces and surroundings. Don't take your chances. If you are unsure then go to a birth center. If your pregnancy is healthy seek out the advice of a wise woman (midwife, doula, alternative care physician, etc), or at least just consult with one and see the difference in attitude. It just might make a different to not just your experience, but your baby's too.

The choice is yours, but when you make that choice, please understand it will effect your baby in all ways. Educate understand and believe. That is what makes birth good.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Finding Wisdom

A new day has dawned and I feel obligated to offer something up to the world.

Now I have mentioned that creating the website that WAS Heads Up! was really all about ego. Really it was. I loved the attention.

There is nothing more awesome than someone coming up you or emailing you and saying....your awesome, you made such a difference to my experience. I have had a few letters such as this end up in my email inbox. And ya know what? It's awesome. But as much as I want to be told I'm awesome, I want the birth they had to be awesome. I want the person that has found their way to the information I have posted to use it to find a path to a birth that makes them want to jump up and down on the bed raising their arms in the air saying "I did it and I'm awesome!"

That said, I'll state that what I cared about most was that women ultimately had a place to go when they were presenting breech. I wanted people to find a hub that directed them to and supplied information. I remember looking all over the web for information about breech and would have loved to have fallen into a site such as Heads Up!. Alas I feel I have let down many by letting this web site go by the way side. I am hoping that those that have linked to will see that the link no longer is active will contact me to find out "what happened?". I hope they will find me here and be able to get all the great information that was on the site.

But my intent of posting today is not about me (as much as I would like it to be :) ).

My intent is to post about the Birthlove website.

Birthlove was created by a single woman with a desire to change the world. By doing this she touched many women, just as I did in my very specific way. Leilah McCracken has pulled a huge resource of breech information together for the expectant family on her website. as well as written a book that strikes a cord in many women. One of the best essays I've read on birth and one that pushed me into advocacy in birth was Rape of the Twenty-first Century.

I link to her today because the stories on her site played a huge part in the decision I had to make when I was faced with having to deal with my babe deciding to come ass first. By absorbing the information on her site I was given the belief that my body worked. It also opened a door to understanding the part I played in the history of this world and the strength that women held inside of themselves.

Birthlove has a great deal of information about breech birth. It even has my twin's post-birth pictures on it. (only click on this is you have no problem with seeing me half naked!)

I learned from the women I met associated with Leilah's site that birth works. I learned that we are not told the truth about the effects of modern obstetrical care on the birth process. I learned that many women suffer needless pain and emotional distress from birth experiences that just could have been different had they had the knowledge that I had so recently discovered.

So pour a cup of tea (if you haven't already) and sit back and check out the links I've just posted. I hope you find the same thing I did. I hope you discover something that makes your birth experience amazing. I hope that when your baby is born, you email me and was amazing.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Turn the Other Cheek

I love knowing that one little thing I did for sheer personal satisfaction effected so many people. I originally put Heads Up! on the web because I wanted a website that people came to. I knew there were hundreds of thousands of websites that wanted to tell you how to have a great birth. I wanted one that was popular (only way to get that 15 minutes of fame over and over again!)
So back by popular demand....
This is a compilation of links I collected for breech turning techniques from the Heads Up! All About Breech Babies Website. I am sending this information to the owner of the Breech Birth Coalition website and hope she will post them. As it is. I have tagged this blog with my old website name in hopes that those looking for this information will find their way back to me.

Breech Turning Techniques
Prenatal Breech Issues - discusses numerous ways to turn a breech baby.
AOCG Report on External Cephalic Version - report discusses which patients are candidates for external cephalic version, risks and benefits of the procedure, predictive factors of its success or failure, use of tocolysis, and cost implications of the procedure.
Guidelines for External Cephalic Version (EVC) of a Breech Presentation- a nice concise article about EVC and a brief explanation of how to conduct a vaginal breech birth.
External Breech Versions - this link has a description of an external cephalic version, plus it is on a nice web site. Follow the link for external breech version.
One Midwife's Collection of Breech Turning Technique
Hypnosis may help turn baby in a breech birth -
Mothercare Website - looking at the choices needed to be made, then at what can be done. An excellent resource for breech information.
CAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network)- this is the main link to their website. Click here for their breech breech turning info. If you are in a VBAC situation, this is the site for you.
Webster Technique Links - here are some links to information regarding this chiropractic technique that is stated to help a breech baby to turn.
This website has an opinion against the Webster Technique

Jane O'Hare- Lists the numerous ways to turn a breech baby

Self-help methods
Not all of these methods are supported by quantifiable data, but there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence, mainly from midwives, that they can help to turn a breech. Although these methods are low risk, pregnant women are advised to discuss any self-help methods they are considering with a midwife.

Visualize your baby in the head-down (vertex) position. You could imagine a helium balloon attached to your baby's foot, or imagine the baby turning somersaults.

Swimming may help to turn a breech baby. This is probably due to a combination of relaxed abdominal muscles and deep water immersion, which increases the amniotic fluid, helpful to the baby's turning. However, there is some evidence that regular aqua aerobic exercise may actually prevent breech babies from turning.

Headstand in the shallow end of a pool
Get into the pool and spend at least 15 minutes just paddling around, helping to relax your abdominal muscles. Then try a couple of headstands, with a helper to support you.

Knee-chest exercise
Get on your elbows and knees, so your hips are higher than your head, and stay in this position for 15-20 minutes a couple of times a day. You can also try crawling around in this position. A study in 1977 by Dr. Juliet DeSa Souza, retired professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Grant Medical College, Bombay, found this method successful for 89% of 744 women studied.

Postural inversion or *breech tilt*
Lie with the hips propped up 12-18 inches higher than the head, two to three times per day, for between 10-20 minutes at a time. This helps to disengage the baby from the pelvis, and when the baby's head comes up against the inside of the fundus, it is inclined to tuck its head in and do a somersault into the vertex position. It is sometimes recommended to try this with an empty stomach. Small studies have reported success rates of between 89% - 96%.

Stimulate your baby's senses
You can try to attract your baby to turn using light, sound and cold. Try shining a torch close to the vagina, so the baby heads towards the light, or to place a radio or headphones near the pubic bone. You can also try placing a bag of frozen peas on the back side of the baby's head, as babies tend to move away from the cold.

Ask yourself: "why your baby is breech"?
Some birth practitioners believe that a mother who has anxieties about pregnancy and birth or who is stressed for other reasons (such as working late in the pregnancy) may be more likely to have a breech baby. Some suggest that that babies often turn to the breech position in order to come up to comfort the mother. Try to relax and spend some time talking to the baby. Explain that you would feel better if your baby turned, and that you and your baby could enjoy a more positive birth experience.

Getting Specialist Help
A researcher at the University of Vermont, Burlington, USA, used hypnosis with one hundred pregnant women whose babies were in the breech position between the 37th and 40th week of gestation. The women received hypnosis with suggestions for general relaxation and release of fear and anxiety. While under hypnosis, the women were also asked why their baby was in the breech position. 81% of the babies in the hypnosis group moved to the vertex position, compared with 48% of the control group. Hypnosis was most effective for the women motivated to use the technique. Aside from the visualization involved, the deep relaxation of hypnosis can help your abdomen to relax enough to allow the baby to turn if it wants to.
(Lewis E. Mehl, MD, PhD (1994) Archives of Family Medicine, Vol. 3, Oct. 1994)

A professional acupuncturist or shiatsu therapist will apply pressure on acupoint BL 67, which is on the outside of the little toe, right next to the nail. Although you can do this yourself, there is a small risk that it could bring on labour, and the technique is likely to be more effective if done by a professional.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses moxibustion (burning herbs, usually in a cigar shape) to stimulate acupoint BL 67, to help breech babies turn. Its effect may be through increasing fetal activity. No randomized controlled trial has evaluated the efficacy of this therapy, but studies have reported success rates of between 75% and 80%. It is possible to buy moxi sticks and try this yourself, but, as with acupressure, it is recommended to use a professional.

Yoga exercises
The classical yoga shoulder stand posture can help to give the baby room to turn and stimulation to allow the baby to turn itself. However, it is an advanced posture, and will need to be done in a modified position if the woman is not accomplished in the posture already.
To obtain maximum effectiveness, the posture should be done when the baby is most active. Other yoga exercises can also help - approach an experienced yoga practitioner who is experienced in antenatal exercise for advice and support.

The Webster Technique
This must be carried out by a chiropractor. It is a simple technique, which involves the chiropractor working gently on the woman*s legs and vertebra, usually requiring a series of appointments every two or three days for two weeks. Clinical case studies show a 80-100% success rate with this technique and a widespread trial is planned.

Homeopathic Pulsatilla causes the muscle fibers in the uterus to even out and may help to turn a breech baby. Homeopathic natrum muriaticum can help reduce swelling (odema) if this is a contributing factor. Consult an experienced homeopath for advice. (my midwife used 1M before my version p.b.)

External Cephalic Version (ECV)
ECV involves the external manipulation of the baby by an obstetrician. Ultrasound is usually used to find out exactly how the baby is lying and to locate the placenta and the baby is monitored throughout. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommend that ECV is offered to all women with an uncomplicated breech pregnancy at term (37-42 weeks). Performed prior to 37 weeks there is a risk of preterm labour and many babies will turn on their own around this time anyway. The biggest risk associated with ECV is separation of the placenta which rarely occurs, mostly due to the guidance of the ultrasound. Large scale trials report success rates for ECV of 46% in the UK, 65% in the US and 80% in Africa. Recent studies show that epidural anesthesia during ECV may actually increase its success rate.

Keeping the baby in the vertex position
Being aware of your posture, and sitting upright, cab help to keep your baby in the vertex position. Upright exercise, such as walking, can also help. So can simple yoga exercises, such as sitting in the classic *tailor* position and leaning forward.

After all that...if your baby is still breech...
If your baby remains breech, there may be a good reason why. It may be because of the position of the placenta or a short, knotted or twisted cord. Breech can also result if a physiological condition is present in either mother of child. These things are not necessarily anything to worry about, and breech may simply be the best presentation for your baby.
Consider your options for birth and discuss these with your midwife or obstetrician.

(Hi Heather! hope this helps your lady!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What this blog means to me

Cup of coffee in hand I start the morning with excitement. I couldn't sleep last night. As only a writer, that has had their hands hoovering over the keyboard waiting for that first stoke to hit and having nothing to say, can understand what is like to get their muse back. I was awake until past 2 in the morning with ideas floating in my head and wanting to get up and write!

Birthing by the breech (the blog) means many things to me. Most of all it is about the life challenges that present themselves every day that shake your comfort zone. Creating this venue allows me to open up and take on those challenges so that I can achieve the goals I have set for myself and to find that inside myself to "get the job done".
My awareness of learning how to overcome personal challenges began when I first saw my daughter (my third child and the one pictured above) on an ultrasound at 20 weeks. I knew I had a challenge before me. Now, many a times I said to myself..."don't think it into being", but I could not get my head away from that little body hair pinned inside of me with her bum right where it stayed the whole pregnancy.

I was walking the right road. I hired my midwife and planned a home birth. Keeping it simple till it proved no longer simple was my thought. With great excitement I attended each midwife appointment. I loved the attention she gave me. Also at the time I was studying for my post diploma certificate in perinatal nursing, so it all meant a great deal to me both physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Then came 37 weeks and baby had not turned.

I stayed the course and did what needed to be done. But, regardless of how much chiropractic Webster's Technique, slant board inversion with cold peas and music I applied to myself and my belly, baby stayed breech. I consulted with my very pro-homebirth family doc to discuss my options about a potential breech birth and who would "attend me" when I went into labor. The visit went as well as it could. My amazing doc took almost 2 hours of her time with me and was not so gentle in her opinion of my situation. Not because she didn't believe I could push this baby out, but that I had come to her whining about "needing" something outside of myself to get the job done (at one point I was a called a homebirth primadonna spewing intellectual bullshit). I was shaken to the core by her words, but as the birth passed and I reflected on that conversation I realized she was right. I was going to the books to solve my answers, I was seeking outside information to support the "of course I can do this" attitude. What I was not doing was finding the way within myself to birth this baby in the best way I knew how.

When labor day came I felt like a rock star. I birthed her in hospital and then went home where my midwife fed me peanut butter sandwiches and a glass of milk while I lay in bed with my daughter at my breast.

Against all odds, I birthed her the year after the Hannah Breech Trial said all breech births should be a cesarean.

So what did I learn by birthing by the breech? I learned that you might think you have all the answers and know what your doing, but in the end you probably still have your head up your ass if you are depending on others solving your problems.

Monday, June 22, 2009

In Honor of Father's Day

Okay's one day late, but this baby blog is only one day old...give me a break!

I wrote this way back long ago, but thought I would share...hope you like it.

I Will Support

By Patricia Blomme

I wonder.
I wonder how she feels.
There is life in her.
Life I can not see,
except in her face when she looks at me.
She is beautiful!
More beautiful than the day
when I first fell in love with her.
Now she carries my child.
Our Child.
She is so strong.
She carries the strength of a millions of women before her.
She will need this strength.
I will be strong for her.
An unspoken strength that will protect her at her most vulnerable time.
I must trust her.
I must trust her body.
Just as she responded to my touch,
she will respond to the life force with in her.
I must help her trust her body.
I will understand the special moments that she calls out to share.
I will take hold of the child before the birth has happened,
before movement is ever felt.
I will cherish every time I feel the child move within her.
This is my first contact.
I will talk to this wonderful child of mine, ours.
I will talk so that my voice is known.
When our child opens his eyes,
I will quietly greet him.
He will know me.
I will stand by while my love accomplishes her labor of love.
She does this for me.
She has taken a vow to bring forth this child in health and vigor.
I must do the same.
I will support her in her hardest moments.
Doing all that she asks.
Without question.
I will trust her to know what she needs.
I know my love is experiencing the emotions of birth.
Though she calls out with the waves.
I will help her to surrender to them.
With surrender the body will open.
With surrender the pain is triumphed over.
With surrender,
The child is born.

A Change in Title

So here I am day two of being an official blogger and I'm already changing my tune. So whats with that?

Well in reality it is all about my vanity on line. I have cultivated a persona of being very knowledgeable about birth, specifically breech birth. So I thought, well everyone writes about birth and breastfeeding, I need to do what I did back in 2002 and create a very specific topic of conversation and something that just happen to be in the fore front of "birth world" news.

That topic is of course....breech birth.

Now I could go on and on about my opinions on birth and breastfeeding and what I think is best and what the pregnant human is capable of if left to her own devises but there are MILLIONs (yes millions) of birth junkies out there that are doing that already.

So I will do what has worked in the past. Back in 2002 I created a website called Heads Up! All About Breech Babies. Now in the last 6 months I have said goodbye to it (mostly because I let the domain name lax and now some advertising site now own the domain

I have been in contact with the gal that operates and she will get all the good stuff I hosted on my site and I can be free to just have an opinion.

I will take the time to read and digest the newest statement by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada and will get back to you all with my thoughts about what it says and to post some interesting web wanderings of mine that also hold opinion about this current position held by the S.O.G.C.

For now....have a great day and I'll be back soon.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Coming soon to a blog near you.

Over the past few years I have been coming to terms with developing a way to communicate my ideas, teachings and frustration about the state of birth in our western culture. Thus I have decided to delve into the world of blogging.

I hope to entertain and educate you while all the while feeling better about doing my part to make birth better for women, for babies and for families.

In conjunction with this blog I will finally be developing my book for dads (Daddy Matters) in celebration of Father's Day 2009. Over the next year (or less!), you will travel with me as I go through the growing pains of writing and publishing this book.

So join me in my journey, lets have fun.